Employers at the heart of East Berkshire College curriculum
With the shrinking public purse, as highlighted in the recent Government Skills Funding Statement, the need for colleges to generate revenue from commercial activity has never been more acute. Ministers highlighted the inextricable links between Education and Enterprise. That’s why East Berkshire College has embarked on creating an Innovation Hub with NEF’s assistance.
Ensuring responsive, competent and innovative solutions, and prompt delivery often requires a change of mind-set and processes by the participating college.
Virginia Barrett, Deputy Principal (Curriculum & Quality), at East Berkshire College said:"The Innovation Hub at East Berkshire College will enable the College to realise its vision to put employers at the heart of the curriculum. Empowering employers to shape aspects of the curriculum which improves the employability of learners (STEM, Design and Entrepreneurship). Additionally, employers will have access to a secure creative space to explore innovative solutions in collaboration with students or in seclusion with their teams and business partners."
NEF’s Innovation Hub development enables this change to happen quickly using a cost-effective, structured and proven process. It provides a flexible platform to package and position your capability; identify clear selling propositions for your target markets, theme and brand your solutions, create effective channels of delivery and develop a go-to-market strategy.
NEF’s Prof Sa’ad Medhat said:"We’ve had an energetic start to defining the Innovation Hub’s blue print at East Berkshire College. Team X was formed with the active participation of college staff and students as well as employers and stakeholders to create sustainable partnerships that inspire creativity to deliver real innovative solutions."
To find out more about how your college can take the first step to creating an Innovation Hub, please contact Dr Abrar Jawaid on 0208 786 3677 or email him at