Innovation Institute

Membership for Individuals

To be a recognised professional innovator, you can apply for a membership of the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange. There are two professional membership categories reflecting the evolving skillset of innovation professionals and each conferring the use of a post-nominal.

  • Fellow: FIKE
  • Member: MIKE

Membership criteria is outlined below.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It’s a record of what you experience, learn and then apply.

Members of the Institute are encouraged to undertake a minimum of 20 hours of formal and informal CPD per annum.

Formal CPD Informal CPD

Formal CPD can be any form of structured learning that has clear learning objectives and outcomes, such as a professional course, structured online training, technical authorship, learning that includes an assessment measure or self-managed learning that can be assessed by an expert third party.

Informal CPD is any self-managed learning that is relevant or related to your professional role. This could include activities such as private study, on-the-job training, attendance at informal seminars or events where the focus is on knowledge sharing.


IKE, the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, offers two membership grades designed to reflect the progressive skills and expertise of innovation and knowledge exchange professionals.

Fellows (FIKE)

Members (MIKE) 

Fellowship is a prestigious honour only granted to individuals who have sustained high levels of achievement for at least five years within the innovation discipline. Candidates applying for the grade of Fellowship must show evidence of their senior innovation responsibility, specific personal contributions, achievements and associated impact covering the outlined criteria.

This grade requires nomination by 2 other IKE Fellows.

Membership is granted to individuals who have experience and can demonstrate entrepreneurial skills and the capability and capacity to formulate and implement innovation projects and plans. Candidates applying for the grade of Membership must show evidence of applying innovation tools and methods to demonstrate their innovation achievements, specific personal contributions and impact on others as highlighted in the admission criteria.

The requisite admission criteria requires the individual to be educated to a Graduate Level/ Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), as a minimum.

As with other professional bodies, IKE has a Code of Ethics which defines and binds the professional outlook of our members. In applying to join IKE you agree to abide by the Code of Ethics as well as the terms and conditions of membership (see below):

To join IKE, send us your Response Submission should highlight how you meet the Criteia for applied Grade as outlined below (no more than 4 sides of A4):

Admission Criteria For Membership MIKE

Candidates applying for the grade of Membership must show evidence of applying innovation tools and methods to demonstrate their innovation achievements, specific personal contributions and impact on others covering the following 20 points criteria (a minimum of 12 points must be addressed through accessible evidence):

Abilities Criteria for Applying Candidates for the IKE Full Membership Grade:

  1. The ability to apply a systematic innovation process and frame innovation challenges
  2. The ability to identify disruption vectors that may affect the business
  3. The ability to apply design thinking techniques to identify new solutions
  4. The ability to identify innovation opportunities within the business ecosystem
  5. The ability to create scenarios that help to generate the right combination of exploitable ideas
  6. The ability mentor, coach and develop others within and outside of the business
  7. The ability to develop effective innovation governance (e.g. phase or stage gating processes)
  8. The ability align innovation activities to the business strategy objectives
  9. The ability design new value propositions that leverage data analytics
  10. The ability to identify and leverage actionable intelligence to develop and shape value propositions
  11. The ability to experiment and develop a minimum viable offer
  12. The ability to apply appropriate tools and techniques to build business cases for innovation projects
  13. The ability to enhance innovative value propositions (e.g. applying blue ocean strategies)
  14. The ability to accelerate experimentation using lean and agile methods
  15. The ability to use trend spotting in identifying critical new and emerging technologies
  16. The ability to cluster and develop technology and business roadmaps
  17. The ability to prepare for Digital Transformation and enhance innovation maturity and velocity
  18. The ability to protect and leverage Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  19. The ability to measure and benchmark innovation progress, impact and value
  20. The ability to align with international innovation standards and recommended best practice.

Typical evidence could include, amongst others, examples of outputs and outcomes (e.g. books, book chapters, journal and conference papers, patents granted, invitations as conference chair, delivery of keynotes, externally awarded research grants and funding as principal investigator, supervision of researchers and innovation teams, scholarly activities (e.g. visiting professorships, doctoral examinations, external examinerships, etc.), reference to publicly available communication collateral could be used.

Successful completion of the IKE Institute’s Certified Innovation Practitioner programme offers an accelerated admission route to the Membership grade. Additional evidence may be required by the Professional Standards Committee.

The Innovation Council reserves the right to make changes to this list from time to time.

© IKE Institute Professional Standards Committee - updated Dec 2021.

Admission Criteria For Fellowship FIKE

Candidates applying for the grade of Fellowship must show evidence of their senior responsibility, specific personal contributions, achievements and associated impact covering the following 20 points (a minimum of 12 points must be addressed through accessible evidence):

Criteria for Applying Candidates for the IKE Full Fellowship Grade:

  1. The characteristics of a Responsible Leader
  2. Building and sustaining a culture of innovation that embraces a growth mindset
  3. Developing innovation interventions to increase the business resilience and adaptive capacity
  4. Applying and enabling experimental thinking to profile risk in developing innovation strategies
  5. Leading, building and/or influencing the business’ ecosystem
  6. Scenario planning and developing new business and operating models
  7. Influencing the type and status of corporate or functional standards, policies and procedures
  8. Improving the level of innovation maturity and velocity
  9. Establishing innovation processes to enable systematic creative problem solving capabilities
  10. Developing or managing  innovation-horizons and portfolio investment profiles for the business
  11. Assembling the building the foundational blocks for effective digital transformation
  12. Deploying digital extensions and evolving own digital leadership competencies
  13. Establishing the business’ innovation principles (e.g. Innovation policy or manifesto)
  14. Developing and supporting the business core innovation competencies and skills base including one’s own professional development and scholarly activities (e.g. books, chapters, journal and conference papers, patents granted, invitations as conference chair, delivery of keynotes, externally awarded research grants and funding as principal investigator, supervision of researchers and innovation teams, scholarly activities (e.g. visiting professorships, doctoral examinations, external examinerships, etc.)
  15. Building emerging technologies trend spotting programmes
  16. Creating Innovation Governance policies and structures and communicating them
  17. Aligning  and cohering innovation activities to the organisation’s core values and vision
  18. Leveraging or deploying benchmarking in accordance with international standards
  19. Coaching, mentoring and motivating people and/or groups for effective innovation development to build and strengthen their innovation and creativity potential
  20. Determining the impact of innovation investments' on the business including exploitation, utilisation, and the development of products, services, processes and people.

Examples of evidence demonstrating the individual’s own outputs and outcomes and any publicly referenced sources should be listed.

Candidates who have successfully completed of the IKE Institute’s Certified Innovation and Strategy for Leaders programme will be offered an accelerated route to admission to the Fellowship grade. Additional evidence may be required by the Professional Standards Committee.

The Innovation Council reserves the right to review and make changes to this list from time to time.

© IKE Institute Professional Standards Committee- updated Dec 2021.

Annual Membership Fees

Please note that annual fees are payable on 1 July. Members joining after this date will be asked to pay a pro-rata amount. Those paying for multiple years will be eligible for a discount.





All members are required to read and accept:

These documents as part of the membership admission rules and regulations.


  Membership level (Post-nominal) Fellow (FIKE) Member (MIKE)

Belonging to and contributing to a profession
driven by innovators

Ensuring professional recognition for your
work in innovation and knowledge exchange
Lobbying and campaigning on key issues for members
Joining the Innovation Council  
Attending IKE think-tanks and events and contributing to IKE networking forums
(physical and virtual)
Joining the Editorial Board for Brite -
Innovation Review Journal

Frequently, the IKE Institute runs physical and virtual events with the aim of encouraging engagements and interactions between innovators in different sectors, domains and geographies. Such Knowledge Exchange activities will help to simulate new thinking and drive improvements in product, service, process and business model innovations. Attendance on these events may be restricted. Fees may be charged in relation to certain events.

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