Innovisions 2014 is an interactive conference, encouraging lively debate and participation from a diverse and specially invited audience. We had senior figures from business, education and the public sector who shared their views on how to nurture talent, scale up ideas and tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing society and our economy.
NEF, Prof Sa'ad Medhat
“Multi-layered horizon-scanning helps transform business”
“Re-design & re-configure activities using creative competition”
“Innovation needs a healthy & connected ecosystem to work”
“Structured process to drive innovation – Investor in Innovations”
“NEF works in business, education & policy to cross-pollinate ideas”
EDF Energy, Philip Parker
“Solidarity Project produced highly innovative agreements supporting supply chain.”
“Driving education and industry alignment in nuclear new build”
“Inspire Project engaged 60,000 learners in Somerset”
“Integrated pathways from education through training to employment”
“400 apprentices, 5,600 workers on site at peak, investment of £15M in education”
“Hub & Spoke collaboration needed for innovation”
Rolls Royce, Ian Roche:
“Capable of innovating getting more from less
"Holding the mirror up & saying what can we do better" Ian Roche Rolls Royce
"90% of innovation portal is delivering value to the business"
Dupont, Dr Simone Arrizi:
"innovation is not a linear process, the key getting the right insights from market"
"Amazing innovations in new materials in photo voltaics and we’re working with supply chain to make this happen"
BASF, Dr Rosie Bryson:
“Co-creation internally is as important as external collaboration drives creativity”
"Businesses like ours know we have to innovate to survive"
“Agritech: spread the news what's out there & what's possible, big innovations”
"A lot of small businesses in our industry need to innovate"
Thales, Dr Alvin Wilby:
"Got to instil a portfolio mindset in senior management"
"Innovations in digital rail, driving transformational change in the sector"
SSE, Dr Michelle Hynd:
"Push innovation into the business - empower front line staff to make decisions"
"Young people wanted to be part of cool new projects in off shore energy
"Making innovation projects more well know through supply chain too!"
AstraZeneca, Jacqui Hall:
“They’ve been bursts of collaborations and open innovations throughout the industry”
"It's all about creating a sustainable innovation pipeline'
"New graduates are given opportunities to be involved in R&D to build PhD pipeline"
Crossrail, John Pelton MBE
"We're all startups & temporary companies so innovation is in our blood"
"Collaboration, capability & culture"
"You are free to innovate & using Innovation Champions to promote innovation"
"QR codes to improve collaboration & confirmation of skills for projects"
"Network rail, Crossrail & TFL all working together"
Big problem is that we don't have enough Scientists & engineers in the political landscape
BIS, Amanda Brooks:
"Government making long term investment in science & technical capability"
“Talent is key to developing our innovation capability”
“We need to be better at agility and collaboration to drive business growth”
“Open Innovation: important to bring in the community in these SciTech Innovation Projects”
“Government investing £5.9 billion in research institutes to support UK innovation”
"Investing in innovation & knowledge exchange to catch up with best competing nations"
“Key part of strategy is to participate, collaborate & innovate at a global level in big SciTech areas eg Space"
MIT, Prof Sanjay Sarma:
“Educational format hasn’t changed since 1308 AD”
"Massive parallel innovation competition - you must disrupt yourself!"
"Tinker. Maker, Solder, Try & fail fast. But remember this enables you adopt, adapt & adept”
"EdX experiment in MOOCs with Harvard now has 2.5M learners & 196+ countries"
"After 10 minutes you need to kick in questions & Hippocampus pushes learning into long term memory"
"Project based learning makes the brain receptive to learning"
"Technology was a new word when MIT was created in 1861"
“In the future there will either be Professor X or Ex-Professors!”
East Berkshire College, Kate Webb:
“At East Berkshire College, we’re creating our own disruption”
"300 students since Sept 2014 engaged in GenoVation, real problem-solving & creating ideas"
"We must challenge & change how we view education in this country , academic v good w/ hands!"
University of Surrey, Prof Alan Brown:
"Balance between good pedagogy & use of agility in a meaningful way"
EDF Energy, Frazer Greenshields:
"Structure the workplace environment to power new learning & socialise learning"
“In creating complex systems, use gamification – make the learner a molecule & take them through a system to help them understand it.”
Holition, Jonathan Chippindale:
"Today's kids are used to multiple data points. We need to be kicked out of our comfort zone"
“Young recruits don’t know how to work in a team & work fast.”
UWE, Prof John Lanham:
"The world is fuzzy, need to respond & adapt, this helps innovation.”
HE Academy, Dr Alison Le Cornu:
"The ubiquity of information requires learners to analyse at speed"
"There are huge opportunities for the HE sector to break down traditional silos & create innovative learning"
"We're living in 24/7 culture & this is having profound effect on HE. Could MOOCs change the need for physical campus locations"
"Playstation has moved from the place (the living room) to the gamer & this impacts learning"
Pace University, Dr Lauren Birney:
"Blend digital learning with the project based learning drives real innovation in education"
"Make sure the content is there, with metrics & assessment but kids take control of their learning"
Airbus, Gregor Dirks:
"Culture, trends & innovation: connecting knowledge to drive growth"
"Good innovation is down to culture, people wanting to transform, middle management saying Yes" “Creativity workshops aren’t enough"
"We are built on innovation but we operate in a highly regulated sector to mitigate risk"
"Engage, accelerate & focus: key to Corporate Innovation"
“IdeaSpace & connect@airbus are platforms driving innovation culture in our company”
"Need for physical areas: Make, Creativity, Project & Test Spaces. Empowers design thinking & innovation"
"We have a development process: ideas are taken to Catalyst network, IdeaSpace, Framing Lab, review for High Potential and the application of the idea is then Fast-tracked into implementation and assessed through Value delivered stage"
DECC, Baroness Sandip Verma:
“I'd like give great recognition to these innovation awards & to those winning them, we need to support these great people!”
NSAN, Jo Tipa:
“It’s a great achievement for DSRL, Magnox and Croft Associates to receive NEF Assured Nuclear Standard!”