STEM Assured colleges demonstrate a capability in delivering STEM provision that meets the needs of business and industry. This outcomes-based standard was developed to recognise high quality cross-curricular Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) education and delivery.
Central College Nottingham, Exeter College and West Cheshire College have successfully achieved the industry standard of STEM Assured.
“We are delighted that our science, technology, engineering and maths work across the college has gained this important recognition,” said Richard Atkins Principal, “We welcome this type of national scrutiny of the courses we offer our students, particularly when these reviews recognise the ways in which the curriculum meets the needs of the industry sectors ensuring our students are able to progress quickly into employment or higher education – in the report’s words ‘the work-readiness of learners’. ”
“The college continues to invest in the providing first class and industry-led facilities across the city,” concluded Richard Atkins, “The report has recognised the role of our brand new Technology Centre in focusing our work in these important sectors as well as the investment in other STEM areas such as our recent new science labs. The STEM report also commended our role as a member of ExIST (Exeter Initiative for Science and Technology), our involvement with the Exeter and Heart of Devon Employment and Skills Board and our work to engage with the local community through the Exeter and East Devon Growth Point partnership. Our commitment to excellence in the STEM area continues with our recent announcement that, with the University of Exeter, we have been asked by the government to set up a specialist regional maths school here in the city.”
Central College Nottingham Principal, Malcolm Cowgill said: “We firmly believe the College is now well placed to make a significant impact on the lives of people in Nottingham and the wider community by providing access and preparation to the best STEM learning and employment opportunities.”
The college has pledged to invest £3 million over the next few years in the facilities and resources to deliver the STEM Strategy. It also boasts a strong strategic focus on monitoring progression against key performance indicators to ensure provision meets the needs of employers and learners at the college. The college have been very flexible and responsive to the feedback from learners and employers in meeting industry requirements.
Exeter College was commended by the STEM Assured’s External Validation Panel on their approach to continuous improvement in STEM provision, particularly their new Technology Centre and the collaborative Flybe Training Academy.
Sara Mogel, outgoing Principal of West Cheshire College, said: “The College's planning and strategic investment in STEM as a key driver for economic development has been validated by achieving the STEM Assured status. It provides the assurance that West Cheshire College's portfolio of STEM programmes and solutions are recognised and valued by employers such as Vauxhall, Unilever and TWA Group.”
Hazel Elderkin, Engineering Development Project Manager at Unilever said: “The STEM Assured at West Cheshire College provides us with the confidence to further develop and build upon our collaboration with the College in training and development, including apprenticeships. The Validation Panel included senior representatives from BT, Atkins, Unilever and Jaguar Land Rover.